Why You Should Get Assessed Early for a Home Care Package

It’s the desire of most elderly Australians to remain living at home in comfortable surroundings and in their community for as long as they can. Many need some form of home care services to help. But a high demand for Home Care Packages is keeping those in need from receiving the support they need.

The Royal Commission learned in March 2019 that the wait time for a level four package was almost two years. They also learned that in the first six months of 2018, around 16,000 people died before receiving the package they’d been awarded.

An article published in The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging in March 2019 reported that “Prolonged wait times for HCP is associated with a higher risk of long-term mortality as well as transition to permanent residential aged care.”

A Home Care Package is important for most Australians to live independently in their home longer. Elder care services depend on the funding from a Home Care Package to provide personal care and more to those who need it. But if the wait is so long, what can you do?

Get assessed early—before you think you need home care services.

Why you should get assessed early

Considering the long wait times many Australians face, it’s important to get in the system as early as possible. Here are three other reasons it makes sense to get assessed early.

  1. Changing care needs. Think about how long it takes for some to receive their Home Care Packages. By the time you get yours, your needs may have changed. But since you’re already in the system, it’s easy to notify My Aged Care and get a reassessment. It’s better to be proactive than reactive, always trying to catch up to what you need.
  2. Don’t forget CHSP funding.The Commonwealth Home Support Program (CHSP) offers entry-level aged care services for older people who need assistance in their homes. While it does not mean this is a long-term solution, it can help you bridge the gap until your Home Care Package comes through. The earlier you start the assessment process, hopefully the less you must rely on CHSP.
  3. Hold your place on the list.ABC News reported the waitlist for Home Care Packages is mushrooming. At the beginning of 2019, it stood at almost 127,000 elderly. While it’s noble and admirable to say, “I don’t need an HCP as much as someone else,” that thinking leaves your future at risk. Get your spot on the list.

Final thoughts

Get assessed early and see if you qualify for funding. This will help you be proactive in getting the home care services you need, or might need. You don’t want to react and risk a long wait—because sometimes the wait can be too long.

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